Old World Cobble®
6 Colletti Lane
Swansea, Ma. 02777
Phone: (877) 999-8700
Fax: (866) 777-4700

Domestic Fieldstone and Building Stone
Domestic Fieldstone and Building Stone

As of the 2020 season, Old World Cobble® is stocking Bristol County Fieldstone... This stone is Rounded, Riverbed, Local fieldstone...Gray hued with some purple, red and gold as well. Sizes vary from 4" to 12". Baskets are 2500# each.

Any of our fieldstone can be made available as Sawback thin veneer to match the full size stone...

All Natural to the U.S.A.
Old World Cobble® carries New England Fieldstone in our efforts to offer you "more than just Cobblestone". Natures reusable gift to us. Old as the earth itself, truly American, and fully green and natural. Beautify your property with stone walls. Protect your home with beautiful stone walls. Support New England vendors who work to recycle and beautify New England, while supporting the New England economy.

Old World Cobble® stocks Sakonnet River Round Fieldstone. Golden hued, round fieldstone quarried in Southeastern New England. Perfect for building strong walls. Offered in full stone and split in half for full bed veneer. Shipped in wire baskets weighing 2500# each. Reasonably priced and safely packaged.